Revisiting Some Ideas That Are Perfect When You’re Feeling Cooped Up

Over the years I’ve had a lot of beautiful memories. Lots of amazing moments that I’ve been lucky enough to share with you all. But along the way, there was also some mistakes that I’ve made which I look back on and think I could have probably handled a bit better. Without going into it, because there’s nothing to be found in rehashing the past, I am now in a place where I realize the past helped me become who I am today. And those same experiences will hopefully guide my way in the future.

Sounds a bit corny? Probably. But I’ve always been a bit of a romantic with my writing. And for a lot of you, that’s what keeps you coming back. ?

When it comes to life, and work especially, I believe that it is my mistakes that teach me the most. Man oh man, flying solo at the healm of a small business – especially one like a blog – isn’t easy. Like life, there were of moments where I let my ego get in the way, and my hurt feelings led to brash decisions.

So to those of you out there reading this that I have wronged, allow me to apologize. I don’t expect things to go back to normal, but if the pandemic has taught me anything, it’s that the new reality ahead is one where people need to come back together and leave the past behind.

So without further ado, here are some memories and moments that I think could be perfect for our current situation. Cheers!

Cue Coldplay’s “Yellow” – moments in the sun, sipping some Veuve Clicquot and enjoying the company of the people I love. While the majority of my interaction with friends is digital, I am learning to just enjoy connection in the ways I can. One of the best ways I’ve found is in cooking and I’ve actually got a few Instagram Live ideas in the works where I’ll be cooking with friends. And if it’s not with you all, it’ll be for the fact that it’s good for my heart to do it too. But let’s hope the first happens too!

I encourage you to pick up a bottle of Veuve, find a recipe you can share with a friend, and cook together via Zoom, Facebook, WhatsApp or whatever platform you chose. It may not be perfect, but it’s pretty magical to connect and laugh and cheers to brighter days ahead.

If ever there was a time to indulge, surely this is it. Recreate the rich flavors of chef Tieghan Gerard of @halfbakedharvest’s ​

Cranberry braised short ribs and pair them with the fresh fruity notes of Veuve Clicquot Rosé. ​

You’ll need: 5 pounds bone in, beef short ribs/ kosher salt and black pepper/ 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil/ 1 medium yellow onion, thinly sliced/ 2 shallots, thinly sliced/ 4 carrots, chopped/ 2 cups Veuve Clicquot Rosé/ 2 cups low sodium beef broth/ 2 tablespoons tomato paste/ 1 tablespoon brown sugar or honey/ 4 sprigs fresh thyme/ 2 sprigs fresh rosemary/ 2 bay leaves/ 2 cups fresh cranberries/ mashed potatoes, for serving​


Season the short ribs with salt and pepper. Heat the olive oil in a large oven safe skillet, sear the ribs on both sides. Remove the ribs and transfer to a slow cooker. To the slow cooker, add the onions, shallots, and carrots. Add the Rosé, broth, tomato paste, brown sugar, thyme, rosemary, and bay leaves. Season with salt and pepper, gently stir to combine. Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours. During the last 2 hours of cooking, add the cranberries. ​


Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Season the short ribs with salt and pepper. Heat the olive oil in a large oven safe skillet, sear the ribs on both sides. Remove the ribs to a plate. Add the onions, shallots, and carrots, cook 5-10 minutes or until the onions begin to caramelize. Add back the short ribs. Add the Rosé, broth, tomato paste, brown sugar, thyme, rosemary, and bay leaves. Sprinkle over the cranberries. Season with salt and pepper, gently stir to combine. Cover and transfer to the oven. Cook for 2 ½ to 3 hours or until the short ribs are tender and falling off the bone. ​

Whichever method you’ve chosen remove the thyme, rosemary, and bay leaves and serve the ribs over a bed of mashed potatoes. Drizzle with the pan sauce and enjoy! ? @HalfBakedHarvest ​
#LiveClicquot #StayHome
▪️ E N J O Y R E S P O N S I B L Y ▪

​Asides from friends, romance is important too for those of you at home with your partner, spouse, or label that you identify with. I know that for Julio and I it’s been a bit of a return to when we first started dating. But in that sentiment, it’s also been an opportunity to plan something special (like Lauren did recently – see below), get dressed up, put some Moët & Chandon on ice and see where the night takes us.

If you’re more of a cocktail person, especially with the sun coming, I’d encourage you to think Vodka, Tequila or Cognac. All of them incredibly versatile and able to help make a Tuesday that’s really a Saturday feel a bit more special. Might I suggest  BELVEDERE,  Volcan De Mi Tierra & Hennessy. I’ve had a lot of beautiful memories with them all over the years and look forward to the chance to attend events with them while creating new memories in the future.

But for now, I can of course pick up my order at my local LCBO or order to my home safely. Both options are wonderful, and of course always remember to Enjoy Responsibly.

The world is a big place and there’s a lot happening right now. So why not remind yourself of the beautiful memories you’ve had, especially ones that hold a special place in your heart, and work towards recreating them in your home with yourself and your special someone like I am.

Tomorrow is a new day my friends. And I can’t wait for the possibilities it holds for us all.

This post is not intended to be seen by persons under the legal alcohol drinking age or in countries with restrictions on advertising on alcoholic beverages. Please remember to enjoy responsibly and never drink and drive. 

For more behind the scenes of this and other amazing brands I am working with around the world, make sure to follow along with the #DoTheDaniel Instagram account.

Photos: Veuve ClicquotVeuve Clicquot Rich, Moët & Chandon, BELVEDERE,  Volcan De Mi Tierra & Hennessy, Daniel Reyes & All Social Media accounts listed above

Don’t forget to be kind & laugh a little more this year

Daniel Reyes

Mobile photos were taken with my Mobile Device of choice on the Rogers network.

*Please note that this may be a sponsored post and promotional consideration may have been offered by participating brands – our disclosure can be found at all times by clicking here.